2013-08-14 @ 19:12:00

▲ LEO▲
2013-04-12 @ 00:28:00

Photo. me. Poster layout also made by me.
I'm having 20 posters printed by tomorrow, going to put some of them up!
▲ New York cap ▲
2012-07-31 @ 11:37:40

ph. me
model: Molly
▲ Alice ▲
2012-07-26 @ 02:55:09

ph. me
My friend is cute.
▲ Casual.. wait no? ▲
2012-05-16 @ 01:01:37
And as I climb into an empty bed
Oh well. Enough said.
I know it's over - still I cling
I don't know where else I can go
Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
And as I climb into an empty bed
Oh well. Enough said.
I know it's over - still I cling
I don't know where else I can go
Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head And as I climb into an empty bed
Oh well. Enough said.
I know it's over - still I cling
I don't know where else I can go
▲ The Snack, my stop motion vid. ▲
2012-03-07 @ 23:02:33
This is a stop motion video made by me. It's my first try, so don't be to hard on me.. haha!
I know it'd be a lot better if I spent some more time on it, but I think it'a a bit charming the way it turned out. Maybe I'll continue editing it in the future. I used about 600 images. I'm happy that my old computer died last week because otherwise I wouldn't have bought my lovely iMac. It's waaay better than the VAIO. And it also has iMovie which I used for editing.
Thank you Clementine for helping me out! x
▲ The Cinema ▲
2012-02-18 @ 03:33:23
The Cinema
ph. Me
▲ Sister ▲
2012-01-18 @ 23:36:50
My little sister
ph. me
ph. me
I'm back from London by the way, I'll post pictures soon.
▲ Molly (& the) leaves ▲
2011-11-13 @ 11:18:57

ph. me
model. Molly M
make up. Me and model
I've got many different types of these photographs. I had so much trouble choosing effects and retouches in PS that I finally decided to just edit them naturally. And well, I'm quite happy with the results. Molly looks fantastic on every shot and she moves around perfectly without instructions (very photogenic) during the photo-shoot.
Very happy to be her friend so I can have the possibility to shoot her, ha ha.
I'm very pleased with these photos.
▲ A house in my city ▲
2011-11-06 @ 23:37:56

ph. me
This is my favourite house in my city.
2011-10-23 @ 14:45:04
ph. me
model. Molly M
make up: me and model, haha
2011-09-27 @ 23:36:06

ph. me
models: Alice and Felix Sievo (twins)
I forgot I hadn't uploaded these pictures here on the blog. I doubt that anyone who doesn't know me or know who I am read this blog, so you've probably seen these pictures on facebook. Anyway, these are my friends Alice and Felix.
I've started a new project called Saturdays, and it's just the simple plan that I'll take portraits on saturdays for an unknown time. Unfortunately my model was ill this last saturday and this upcoming saturday I'm forced to visit my summerhouse to do some gardening. But I'm hoping that I'll take new pictures next week (nice start huh), haha.
▲ Portraits ▲
2011-09-06 @ 18:06:08
ph. Me!
I used a Canon eos 300 with Lomography ISO 400 film.
▲ Sailors from Sweden▲
2011-09-06 @ 17:56:45

ph. Me
Taken with a canon eos 300 and Lomograpgy ISO 400 film
▲We could be up in the clouds▲
2011-08-31 @ 21:30:23
ph. Me.
I left a film roll for printing yesterday. I'll get the pictures next tuesday, so excited!
▲ Fields ▲
2011-07-24 @ 17:34:03
ph. me
I've decided to use my old analog camera for a while, this blog will be updated but not as often as it is at the moment since I'll need to print the pictures before I can upload them here. But the quality will be so much better, so that's a positive thing. And it's so much fun photographing with analog!
▲ Italian beach ▲
2011-06-23 @ 23:42:15
Me and my family went to Italia for 10 days. We were in Toscana and we also visited the island Elba.
I've got so many good pictures. It think I shot around 500 pics at this vacation so I have very much work going through all the pictures and sort. I've done some much this vacation: I('ve)... seen a man feeding a fox, climbed a mountain, got sunburned, seen a dead city, ate so much pasta/pizza, bathe in a waterfall, been to the place where the New Moon movie was recorded. Woah, I'm tired!
Also I've been listening to Patrick Wolf's new album Lupercalia!
He brings the happiness to my life! I'm counting down the days until I'll see him live again! 7 days!